Monday 15 October 2012

Coca-Cola: christmas.

Instead of researching christmas which I thought wouldn't help me that much as I already know all about it, I decided to research what existing Coca-Cola christmas products there are as I decided this is the area i'm going to focus on because it has the biggest market. All of the products tend to have quite a traditional look to them and this has made me consider the direction that my own work could take. It also gives me an idea of themes I could do that haven't been done before for example, penguins on a bottle. 

I also looked at existing design that other people had done as personal projects rather than actually for Coca-Cola so that I do something new rather than doing whats already been done. These designs have also inspired some of the ideas I now have for this project. The interesting thing about this was there is a mixture of contemporary and more traditional ideas. 

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