Monday 2 May 2011

Speaking from experience questionnaire.

I sent a questionnaire out to a few of the people I know who are at university just to see how they have coped with money and also to back up the fact that it can be quite difficult in the first year. 
The questions I asked were....

1. As students how have you tried saving money throughout this year? (eg. shopping at a certain store and budgeting)

2. Do you feel your spending has got more sensible as the year has gone on?

3. How often do you treat yourself?

4. Have you managed to get a job and if so, how difficult was this?

5. What one piece of advice would you give to students where money is concerned?

From sending this questionnaire out I got pretty decent responses.

Jonathon Wooldridge;
1. Budgeting 
2. Yeah, I've tried to spend money only on what I need for a given week.
3. Once or twice a week.
4. Nope, didn't feel that I need one because of conflicting with uni work.
5. Be sensible and plan ahead.

Matthew Maltby;
1. I did at the start of the year, I had a limit to take out each week.
2. Nope, got worse.
3. Err, if theres something I want, I buy it. 
4. Already had one.
5. Don't go to the bongo every weekend and also save and figure out how much you have to spend.

Joanna O'Riordan; 
1. To be honest I haven't, I've had fun and when cash is tight, buy the cheapest food etc.
2. Not really but i'm managing OK.
3. If you class vodka as a treat, everyday...otherwise not very often.
4. No I couldn't manage one with the workload. 
5. It probably would be good to budget but don't worry too much and have fun!

Lauren Bush; 
1. Not done much, haven't bought clothes when i've wanted to. 
2. Yes
3. Not often, its usually on alcohol or meals out.
4. Not tried but people I know say its difficult. 
5. N/A.

Emily Ward;
1. Really budget, eventually getting into a routine of not spending money.
2. Definitely, despite having a job now I still like to get bargains and offers in the supermarket. 
3. Now, once a week.
4. Very. Took me 7 months and I eventually got it online. 
5. Start saving in advance! every little helps.

Amy wade;
1. I've tried where I can, like, not splashing out on things for myself. Just treats every now and then. I also try get cheap versions of food brands too.
2. I'd like to think so, but i've always had money to spare, so don't feel like much has changed. 
3. Once or twice a month depending on what it is I want to treat myself to. If I know I can afford it comfortably, i'll buy it, if not... i'll wait. 
4. Already had one.
5. Money matters. 

These responses have come from people who aren't on the graphic design course.

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