Sunday 30 October 2011

Good is... Existing Apple ipod advertisements.

These are some of Apple's more recent advertisements. Due to the fact the brand is now so well known it seems to take less to advertise the products. The whole idea of the shadows dancing with the iPod has become quite iconic itself and having the iPod in white makes it stand out from the background so as well as the title the consumer knows exactly what the advertisement is about without really having to read anything. The fact that all of the people in the posters are completely different people is also a really good design feature because it basically says to the consumer that the iPod is literally for anyone. The use of bright and patterned backgrounds is really successful because the ad stands out and is very eye catching so will definitely capture the attention of the audience. With the design being so simplistic it can be used again and again only changing slight details each time. Overall its a very strong concept for the iPod advertising campaigns. 

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