Monday 26 September 2011

Print study task one; what is design for print? - Publishing & editorial.

The layout of this booklet caught my eye because its so precise and obviously thought about with each page containing quite a lot of imagery but placed so that it doesn't look overcrowded. The fact the front cover has a slight shine to it is also quite appealing because its a nice design feature and makes the booklet seem quite sophisticated. The design has quite a modern touch and this shows through the use of point size in the contents as more modern editorial pieces tend to experiment with this. 

The composition of this book was the main thing that caught my eye because the typography has been fitted to compliment the imagery quite successfully (as seen with the text going vertically down the image of the buildings). The fact silver foil text has been embossed on to the front compliments the fact the book consists of black and white imagery really well and it fits with the idea of nighttime in some of the images. Each spread of the book mainly completely fills the page and this feature works well because it somehow makes the images come alive. 

This is possibly one of the most exciting examples i've come across whilst researching editorial. The fact the book is all about leather shoes and then is made of leather itself is something that can be appreciated by the reader and also makes it completely unique. The layout of the pages throughout the book tends to be different but this works successfully because you don't know what to expect at each turn of the page and it gives the book variety. The pages inside the book also fit to the vintage style of the outside of the book, another very successful design feature. 

These double page spreads are a collection take from a single magazine over time. There is a link between each one with the composition being similar via the fact it takes up the whole of the spread. The colours chosen are one of the most successful features because they draw attention and will bring focus to the DPS. The relationship between the text and imagery has obviously been considered as they compliment each other with the styles chosen. 

Student cookbook (primary)
This is a cookbook given to me by my parents when I first began uni. Everything about it is student friendly because its so simple yet stylish. The bright colours indicate that they may be trying to make cooking seem fun rather than just another chore and colour has also been used quite successfully to break the book down into sections depending on if you'd like a quick and easy meal or something more complex. The use of imagery tries to convince the audience that they want what they are seeing and then on the other page theres simple instructions on how they can go about this. Info graphics have been used to show wether the food be vegetarian etc. The layout means the instructions can not be easily confused and it looks neat and ordered. It also gives the book balance. 

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