Sunday 2 January 2011

Collection 100 - Facts about glasses.

They are 700 years old and originated in Italy.

Sailors believed it was better to wear gold earrings than glasses to improve vision. 

Sunglasses were invented in 1929 by Sam Foster.

Benjamin Franklin is credited to have invented bifocals in 1784.

Reaction lenses contain silver. 

Kirsty Alderson wears glasses.

Glasses are designed to help people with vision problems see clearly. 

Lense material for glasses can be made out of glass, plastic or polycarbonate. 

Glasses can be recycled.

When glasses were first invented they didn't have arms so the Spanish tried using ribbon.

There are two different main types, bifocals and general prescription glasses.

The first style of glasses like we know them today was created by Roger Bacon in the 13th century. 

Early forms of glasses were crude and clumsy, and were not improved until the 18th century.

Eskimo's make wooden glasses to protect their eyes from glare reflected by ice and snow. 

In the 1300's glasses were a luxury used by the rich to show wealth and power.

Glasses will never fit a person perfectly because of the uneven left and right side of a human face. 

The reason glasses are popular is to do with fashion.

Historical types of glasses include pince-nez, monocle, lorgnette and scissor. 

By the 1950's glasses became a fashion accessory.

Professional men first adopted large specticles. 

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